
冒险 家庭的乐趣

A hidden spot not to be missed if you are visiting the 奥克兰动物园 or Motat

如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
Western Springs Park is located around the corner from the 奥克兰动物园. The lake in the park is known for its clean and clear water, 里面装满了鳗鱼,直到今天还在. 

The main source of the water that feeds the lake at Western Springs is rain falling on the slopes of the volcanoes -
阿尔伯特·山 非常受欢迎的 伊甸山。.  The water runs underground for several miles through the lava flows and emerges from the ground at a constant rate that is well filtered by the miles of scoria rocks.

The lake makes up the majority of the park and it is surrounded by a safe 1.8公里的简易步道.  It takes around half an hour to complete the route while enjoying native trees and animal wildlife.  Some of the trees are super high and make a great sunshade and include willow trees, 卡普卡树和卷心菜树. 

Walking in the park typically means encountering mallard ducks, 国内鹅, 紫水鸡, 斑驳的蓬松, 还有新西兰.  You should also see the black swans that originated from Australia.

  • 免费入口
  • 距奥克兰市中心仅4公里 
  • 133路巴士,由霍布森街58号开出
  • 停车场旁边有停车场
  • 儿童乐园推出
  • 非常适合家庭时间,野餐和放松
  • 禁止带狗 
  • 无烟和禁酒公园
  • 不要喂鸟
  • 如果你来拜访的话,请顺便来看看 M.O.T.A.T. (the Museum of 运输 and Technology), 奥克兰动物园, or heading towards West 奥克兰 海滩. 
  • Bring a few layers of comfortable clothes just in case

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